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Harris's Significant Mistake on North Korea


Kamala Harris said, "I will not associate with a dictator like Kim Jong-un."


Kamala Harris, who has rapidly emerged as the Democratic presidential candidate challenging Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, made this statement during her Democratic presidential nomination acceptance speech on 222 August 2024.


How does Harris plan to solve the Korean Peninsula issue? What is her alternative? Making such declarations without an alternative is following in the footsteps of former President Barack Obama.


During Obama's eight years in office, the so-called "strategic patience" and silence, along with the resulting neglect, maintained the tension on the Korean Peninsula. Throughout this time, the U.S. continued to sell weapons worth trillions of won to South Korea. The economic value derived from the Korean Peninsula's division benefited the United States. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have consistently maintained this stance.


No matter how much of a mess Trump may be, we cannot welcome or support Harris's rise. American citizens have the right to choose a better president for themselves, but as Koreans, we have no reason to celebrate Harris's rise.


In Israel's bombing of Gaza, over 16,000 children have already died. President Biden only talks about a ceasefire agreement while agreeing to provide thousands of missiles and $20 billion in additional military support to Israel. However, there has been no news of Harris opposing or criticizing this. Instead, she has remained silent.


North Korea is an independent state that is a member of the United Nations and undeniably a sovereign nation. It is a subject of international diplomacy that requires negotiation and communication. North Korea is the country where 30 million of our fellow Koreans live their daily lives. North Korea is a one-party dictatorship led by Kim Jong-un under the Communist Party.


Harris's simplistic declarative statement shows that she perceives North Korea only as a one-party dictatorship centered around Kim Jong-un.


North Korea is an independent state that is a member of the United Nations and a sovereign nation. North Korea is the country where 30 million of our fellow Koreans live their daily lives. Although Harris is a politician, she shows shallow political awareness. She lacks critical reflection and empathy regarding the Korean Peninsula issue and holds overly complacent views on international politics.


Shouldn't the President of the United States be aware that the international stage is a fierce battleground where every country is desperately pursuing its interests? The U.S. President is responsible for persuading, diplomatically leveraging, and sometimes pressuring the neighboring powerful nations. The U.S. President is also responsible for resisting when necessary and finding ways to ensure the nation's and its people's survival and prosperity.


It seems that American Democratic politicians, diplomats, and ordinary party members are becoming intoxicated and delirious, excited by a celebration happening in another country. Mistaking delusion for hope and being enthusiastic about Harris is utterly pathetic.


The nation will inevitably become someone else's prey when the people do not awaken and protect their sovereignty. The status and power of the U.S. President are indeed global. Harris making light of the complex political challenges of the Korean Peninsula is a significant mistake.


Rev. Doug Choi, Ph.D., President of Peniel Theological Seminary, Busan Korea


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